Participation in the FORWARD: Blue Innovations in the ORs webinar

Experts, academics and professionals will meet in Taliarte -Gran Canaria- to address relevant issues of the sector, such as Governance, Marine Spatial Planning and Conservation, Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnologies.

It is the ‘FORWARD Webinar: Blue Innovations in the ORs’:
✅ November 8-10
✅ between 12.30 p.m. and 2 p.m.

➡️ Organized by the ECOAQUA University Institute and the Banco Español de Algas, research centers belonging to the ULPGC.

The IP of the project, Dr. Lidia Robaina, will give a talk next Monday, November 8, entitled Aquaponics and Circular Economy: ISLANDAP ADVANCED (Interreg MAC Project)” in the “FORWARD Webinar: Blue Innovations in the ORs”.

You can attend in person or connect remotely.
Sign up here!


Únete a una red de trabajo multidisciplinar para el estudio y difusión de soluciones de economía circular a los problemas de escasez de recursos y fragilidad medioambiental que presenta el desarrollo de los territorios insulares.