Sobre Islandap Advanced
R+D+I Towards aquaponic development in the up islands and the Circular Economy-Islandap
The research, technological development and innovation achieved within the ISLANDAP project (MAC / 1.1a / 207) has promoted the development of a second phase, in the II call of the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal MAC Cooperation program (Madeira-Azores-Canarias) 2014 -2020, to achieve new objectives on food safety, waste reduction and efficient use of resources in the ORs, all this in a coordinated and multidisciplinary interregional manner, increasing the working groups in Madeira and Cape Verde.
Other background:
- Europe recognizes the important role of the sustainable development of ORs to maintain biodiversity, green jobs and biotechnology.
- Aquaculture among the Priority Axes of Intelligent Development (RIS3).
- Sustainable growth, agricultural activities and food security among the investment priorities of the call.
- Aquaponics, aquaculture systems of integrated production where aquaculture and agriculture in hydroponics (fish and plants in a closed circuit) meet, where water saving (up to 75%) and alternative energies play an important role, thus covering several of the investment objectives in the smart growth of the regions.
- The reduction of organic waste, its revaluation through biotechnology is another PI.
- The archipelagos of the ORs are interested in participating in collaborative R & D & i for development.

The project has been designed in 3 consecutive phases:
BIO PHASE – Experimental developments in aquaponic production of fish and vegetables in fresh and salt water; Pilot-scale processing tests of 5 previously selected by-products; Formulation and testing of additives and mixtures for sustainable diets of local production; Innovation in integrated production of worms and polychaetes in intermediate systems; Spread and controlled cultivation of alternative plants; Microalgae biomass and biotechnology.
Improvements in the efficiency and competitiveness of aquaponic systems through automatisms, ICTs and water and energy saving according to geographical areas.
Activation of the EC NETWORK in Islands created in ISLANDAP and development of operational dynamics and statistics applied to waste management and applicability in the tourism sector; Dissemination and dissemination.
ISLANDAP ADVANCED promotes three specific objectives:
- Coordinated research in Aquaculture, Hydroponics and Microalgae to generate innovation in value-added products and processes.
- Coordinated research in Engineering, Aquaculture, Hydroponics and Microalgae to generate innovation in value-added products and processes in fresh and salt water systems.
- Research and development in Circular Economy for innovation in sustainable development and bio-products adapted to the ORs. Coordinated research in Economics, Engineering, Aquaculture, Hydroponics and Microalgae oriented to operational dynamics of work in NETWORK and marketing.
The geographical scope of intervention and cross-border and transnational cooperation of this activity includes the regions of Madeira (Portugal), the Canary Islands (Spain), and Cape Verde. The action will be coordinated by one of the research centers of the Canary Islands (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), in close collaboration with many others from the same and other regions. Each of the partners will be responsible for one of the project activities. The geographical scope has been expanded to other European countries, geographically also Atlantic islands (England and Ireland) that due to their previous experience in the proposed subject and leading the European Cost network are considered important in advising (University Greenwich and University College Cork), It has also been extended to Slovenia (University Lubljana), interested in the internationalization of the proposal and its results.
Universities and R&D Centers that will see their knowledge and technologies strengthened in emerging research areas at a global level, improving their positioning for future projects; and Companies, which will be in charge of putting this knowledge into value, generating wealth and employability in the Region. Regional organization centers in matters of sustainability, environmental management and primary production that will have greater support in R & D & i institutions. The general population that will have access to the results and applications of the project through training and dissemination actions that will promote sustainability, the sustainable use of resources, the reduction of organic waste and its revaluation, saving water and energy, sustainable primary production, awareness for the maintenance of natural resources and biodiversity in the regions and environmental sustainability and tourism.
The cooperation allows the agreed definition of scientific-technical work standards in the development of methodologies, information management and work with aquaponic systems (joint evaluation of tests and results and their applicability in these and other regions). The consortium will also have the cooperation of other external experts (R&D centers with experience from other countries). Cooperation in the intelligent specialization of scientific-technical staff and students (Joint workshops and individualized training in specific areas – STSMs), associated with the automation and management of fresh and salt water aquaponic systems, as well as the revaluation of organic waste and the formulation, preparation and testing of diets in fish and plants will allow the creation of a joint R & D & i platform for the entire Region, optimizing resources and personnel, favoring participation in competitive projects. The institutions INIDA, UNICV, UTA and IMAR participate jointly in Cape Verde.
Islandap Junior was born with the purpose of bringing aquaponics and the circular economy closer to students and the young population. Therefore, it will enable them to generate explanations and put into practice what they have learned through the workshops given by the Islandap team, as well as provide them with tools so that they know these new areas and have knowledge of their importance for the planet and the future.
This initiative is part of the international program, so that all schools and projects are interconnected, it will also value our main objectives from their point of view, such as: promoting sustainable primary production, revaluation of bio-resources, biotechnology, the circular economy and education in those areas.