Registration is open for the seminar on nutrition, aquaculture and climate change at the UniCV.

In the framework of the ISLANDAP ADVANCED project and on the occasion of the World Aquaculture Day (30 November 2023) a seminar on nutrition, aquaculture and climate change will be held at the University of Cape Verde (Praia).

This seminar will be given on 23 November 2023 from 15 to 17 by Dr. Raquel Quiros Pozo, PhD in sustainable aquaculture and marine ecosystems, this seminar is focused on students, teachers and researchers interested in the training areas.

Free seminar with previous registration at the following link


Únete a una red de trabajo multidisciplinar para el estudio y difusión de soluciones de economía circular a los problemas de escasez de recursos y fragilidad medioambiental que presenta el desarrollo de los territorios insulares.