The circularity of the blue economy in Macaronesia


28 de April de 2022

Date: 28-29 April 2022
Location: Los Cancajos, La Palma
Brief description: TThe aim of the conference is to present emblematic projects based on knowledge, technologies and disruptive processes with the capacity to leverage new business opportunities and job creation in Macaronesia. The conference is divided into two blocks, the first of which will consist of the presentation of success stories, ongoing actions and good practices with the capacity to scale up. The second part will address funding opportunities for specific initiatives that can be framed in active calls or planned in the short term (2022 and 2023) both at national and Europea



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Únete a una red de trabajo multidisciplinar para el estudio y difusión de soluciones de economía circular a los problemas de escasez de recursos y fragilidad medioambiental que presenta el desarrollo de los territorios insulares.