In search for circularity: Collaborations between local authorities and researchers in circular economy


30 de March de 2023

Date: March 30, 2023
Location: Brussels
Brief description: The House of Dutch Provinces in Brussels will host an event on In search for circularity – Collaborations between local authorities and researchers in circular economy. The event will involve presentations by elected officials (such as Klaas Fokkinga, Member of the Provincial Council of Friesland), academics (including Michel Terré, President of HESAM University) and EU officials (such as Emmanuelle Maire, European Commission, Head of Unit for Circular economy, sustainable products and consumption). It will tackle a wide range of issues related to the circular economy, including cooperation between research and regions on the circular economy at EU level, support for SMEs, matching up the skills provided by universities with the skills needed in the regions, and peer learning. There will be several round tables as well as networking opportunities. Please register by 10 March.



Únete a una red de trabajo multidisciplinar para el estudio y difusión de soluciones de economía circular a los problemas de escasez de recursos y fragilidad medioambiental que presenta el desarrollo de los territorios insulares.