5 de October de 2023
Date: October 5-8, 2023
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Short description: AGROSYM is, since fourteen years, an annual platform for international scientific discussion on agriculture, food, rural development, environment and forestry. AGROSYM represents a good opportunity to exchange ideas, to strengthen existing and to create new academic networks, and to foster dialogue between the academia, public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations on the recent global and regional trends in the agro-food sector. AGROSYM covers the following thematic areas: plant production, plant protection and food safety, organic agriculture, environment protection and natural resources management, animal husbandry, rural development and agro-economy, and forestry and agroforestry. Multidisciplinary results reported during AGROSYM will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and good practices to all actors of the agro-food chain (e.g. farmers, extension agents, researchers, policy makers) as well as the general public about the importance of agriculture and food science, one of the most important strategic areas of many national research strategies.
Link: http://agrosym.ues.rs.ba/