ISWA 2021 World Congress: “From waste management to a circular economy – the road ahead”


4 de October de 2021

Date: 4-7 October 2021
Venue: virtual platform and Athens, Greece

Brief Description: The ISWA World Congress provides the perfect setting for networking among experts and key stakeholders from around the world. The circular economy is a central pillar of the new policies interconnected also with the mitigation policies of climate change. New waves of legislation and regulations are expected to spur serious changes in the coming years regarding the transition from the linear economy and waste management to a global circular economy that promotes zero waste production and efficiency of waste. resources, as well as climate change mitigation. The congress will focus on this transition and the required changes, overcoming obstacles, in our daily practices, recycling and recovery infrastructure, regulatory aspects, financing mechanisms, acceptance by society, as well as in the design of our cities.


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