14 de March de 2025
Date: November 16, 2022
Place: Brussels
Brief description: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental policy instrument, under which producers have a significant responsibility to address the environmental impacts of products throughout their useful life, from the design and manufacturing phases until the end of its useful life. The EPR Club , a platform that brings together key stakeholders and experts to exchange and discuss EPR in Europe, invites reflection on the link between EPR and sustainable consumption and production.
Link: https://circulareconomy.europa.eu/platform/en/news-and-events/all-events/how-can-epr-promote-sustainable-consumption-and-production?_cldee=G4UKHsnKxpRGQAhRgLZiw8XLU7HlpGc6H8kLIuusaNbpL1HW22e5Sp39tBqnEOCq&recipientid=contact-0441dd3bb5f3ec118122005056a043ea- fec72e64e9514d79b2472ef8b2d23ff6&esid=ddb26b83-d555-ed11-8123-005056a043ea