30 de October de 2023
Date: October 30 – November 4, 2023
Location: New Delhi, India
Brief Description: The ISES World Solar Congress will provide a forum for scientists and researchers, engineers, architects, and industry and business representatives to share the latest findings, developments, and perspectives. SWC was in India in 1978 for the biggest conference yet and we are delighted to be back in India this year. India has shown remarkable global leadership in solar energy development and is pursuing ambitious plans to further move towards a renewable future by dramatically increasing the use of solar energy. SWC 23 will offer a dedicated program that includes plenary sessions, keynotes, technical oral and poster sessions, workshops, technical tours, special events for young researchers, as well as social events where you will have the opportunity to network, meet old friends and make new ones. ISES SWC 2023 will give you the opportunity to present your work, meet researchers, developers, and representatives from industry and government, and will send you home inspired and motivated to continue moving the world towards 100% renewable energy.
Link: https://www.swc2023.org/home-swc-2023